Sunday, July 20, 2008


After 3 long weeks, why wouldn't the police release the police report lodged by Saiful Bukhari Azlan against Anwar Ibrahim?

By the way this simple thing is handled by our police, it is no wonder that the public has judged the government and the police are guilty of fabricating evidence against Anwar Ibrahim, and that the allegation was concocted.

Yes, I never like Anwar, especially so, before his previous arrest, but I do believe Anwar has been unjustly treated by the police and the government in the current allegation.

One can't blame Anwar for not wanting to give DNA test, can you?

On the police's refusal to release the police report, has the Bar Council not make any statement condemning such an act?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hello French people, stay at home this Sunday, OK?

Email contents circulated to the French nationals in Malaysia yesterday:

L’opposition malaisienne prévoit d’organiser une manifestation dimanche 6
juillet à partir de 9h00 à Padang Timur (près du Amcorp Mall), Petaling
Jaya. La circulation sur la "Federal Highway" pourrait être perturbée.

Il est recommandé aux Français de se tenir à l’écart de cette manifestation.

Ne répondez pas à ce message, cette adresse ne sert qu'à effectuer des
envois et n'est pas régulièrement relevée.
Pour toute question, consultez notre site Internet (
ou contactez vos interlocuteurs habituels à l'Ambassade.

Basically, they informed the French here in Malaysia of the planned demonstration in Padang Timur, Petaling Jaya this Sunday, and, asked them French to avoid the protest. [I know I know, it has now been relocated to Kelana Jaya]

If you know the French embassies (wherever they are based), they don't usually issue statement like this. And if there is one, the French will know that it is a "warning" or a "high degree alert", and will not take it lightly.

Do they smell trouble? Or do they have intelligent information you and I do not have?

Take care!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"I am not a politician and I am not running for any post. I am just a wife of a politician,"

"I do not want to address unnecessary issues. I have many other bigger things to attend to for the people and the nation,"

Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, was quoted to have said the above in her denial to the claim that she had link with the death of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

It takes her a long time to come out to deny such renewed accusation, in light of Raja Petra's statutory declaration, yet so contradictory.

What are the big things that a Malaysian politician's wife has to attend to for the people and the nation? Or, is she in deed a de facto Minister of some sort?